Footprints left by Dory PoP at 10:18 AM, The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1

Going to Synergise conference this year was the pick up point of my life. Like i was saying in my previous entry that i was drawing away from God but somehow after the push up i want to know God once again. During the synergise conference, God met me in a different way. He's pressence was so strong that i've never had that in my 5 years of christian faith. I've learnt lots of things from that conference... Like we r all place here on earth by God's divine appointment. WE r all called to make a difference for God no matter how old or young we r. The first day the pastor preached on 1 samuel 17. David was a different type of youth that was willing to be used. Y? Simply bcos he knew God n he trusted in Him. God is waiting for us to make an impact on this generation for Him. To be engaged in this generation.

The second sermon was on mark 8:31-38. The cross where Jesus died is a place that gives us the liberty n freedom. What r the four things that we need to understand about the cross? 1. that the cross is a place of death. ( We do not conquer our destiny, but we surrender it to God. Of we do that Christ is in us. )
2. The cross is a place of relationship. ( A relationship that is personal... A relationship with God)
3. The cross is a place of obedience. ( Hebrews 5: 7-8, we must submit ourselves inorder to obtain God's glory. Mark10:17-21, take up the cross n follow Jesus. God didn't suffer in our place for nothing. He did it bcos He loves us...)
4.It is a daily choice.

My favourite sermon on all was the second day's sermon... Speaker? Ps Sam Evans from planet shakers. It was a sermon on king david, how he learnt from mistakes n how danced n worship God undignified. I'm a worship leader as well as a dancer. Inorder to have a relationship with God i must first learn how to reconnect with Him. Devotion is all about having a warmth relationship with Him, not about what i do or say... it's all about the heart. King David is a leading example of having a devotional life. The book of Psalms tells us all about King David. Devotion is about being honest with God, not keeping what u're unhappy about or just refusing to give urself a chance. If we stop our devotion we will walk in the path of the ungodly, therefore ending up sitting with the mockers... this is written in the bible. Plant ourselves in the streams of living water, that way we will never be dry again. After that she lead us into a time of worship, i encountered God. I LOVE U!

We only attended two day of the conference, bcos we have to go back to church on sat for our web service. But on the last night, i gotta chance to chat with Hosea ( from philio) n had a better chance of knowing him n his group. It was really great. After the whole conversation, i felt that it will be good for us to keep encouraging one another, bcos both of our groups have our different problems n etc...

Going back to church at first was feeling quite saddening cos we have to miss the last day of the conference. But what andy spoke that day was kind of a summary for us. About not comparing ourselves with other christian, n loving one another. I was blessed by andy. It was an awesome week... alot of things happened. Even in cg after the web service. We prayed for 3 whole hours. It was really cool... never felt that our cg could do such things... haha sorry guys... Anyway basically i'm very excited about this year. I guess after all in the mids of all the sadness God is still there... n this year God will make use of everyone to make an impact in this generation. Thank you jesus...
dorodori | Please remember to tag before leaving! - I

No Music No Dream


my name


2nd Jan 1988
21 years old
My Likes

God Almighty!
Japanese Food
JJ Lin
Big Bang
Wu Jia Hui
FM Folks
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Nightmare before christmas
Piano Bags
My epiphone guitar
Song writing
Facebook and many more :)
My Wish

-To be a living testimony for God and shining!
-To own a Semi professional video camera
-To own a Leica camera
-To have a personal mac laptop YEAH!!!
-To go Japan in the near future and work there
-To point more people to God. SALVATION!!!
-To be happier and healthier each day
-To see mommy well and walking around